
Ironlog - Workout and Weight Lifting tracker


Strong body is the key to having a good life. Physical fitness is a key indicator of quality of life. Good health, longevity, and mental wellbeing are all rooted in your physical fitness. All these lead to a fullfiling life.

Maintaining good physical fitness needs work. There's no short cut. If your workouts are random, and done when you feel like it, the chances of maintaining fitness is low. This is why you should keep track of your workouts. Having a record of what you do gives a long term view of your performance on your goals.

If your records are scattered all over pieces of paper, or notebooks, it's more difficult to manage them.

Ironlog is a simple app on your phone to keep track of your workouts, your way. It gives you an overview of how you are doing over time. Provides you with automatic work and rest timers so that you maximise the productivity of your workouts and lifts.

You can keep notes of your workouts right then and there. Easily editable sets and reps. All of this is neatly logged into a timeline, so you can quickly find what you did previously.

With streak and loading graphs you get a quick view of your consistency and when to increase your load.


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We use Apple Sign-in to securely record your data.

Apple Sign-in is a privacy first product. You can decide whether to share your name or email with us.

We encourage you to hide your email and not to use your real name, as these bits of information are not relevant for us.

Your data is not personally attached to your identity.

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Create the workouts you normally do.

When you're in the gym, selecting the workout you want to do.

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Tap on Start before doing each set

The work timer starts running and you can see how long you take for a set.

When you finish your set, tap Finish and the Rest Timer starts

By default this is set to 3 minutes as recommended by most PTs.

You can adjust this in settings

It's just easy as that.

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All your workouts recorded in journal form in to a timeline

You can edit or delete by swiping right or left.

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Charts and graphs to keep you going.

Try to keep the dot pattern consistent in the streaks.

Loading graph shows all your workouts for the past three months.

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Low Ceremony

Ironlog is made to make it quick to use. We ourselves use the app to keep track of our workouts. No distractions, just the right amount of information.

Easy to use

No need to jump through hoops to find what you need. Big buttons on your session screen so that after a workout you can still press them with your strained muscles.

Actively Developed

We are actively developing the app with the feedback we receive from hard working lifters. We incorporate what makes sense, keeping the simplicity in.

What our users say

Easy to use and no tie ins with subscriptions.

George T.

Great little app I use for logging my lifts.

Armin K

I wanted a simple way to keep my workout logs. This does the job. And does it well.

Kerry M